Saturday, September 29, 2007

Who Said So?

You know, some people should be fathers, . . . and some people shouldn't. Like most fathers, I am totally inadequate and inept. I will never be as good as my children deserve. Nevertheless, I give myself some credit. Unlike most fathers, I try my best and would sacrifice any part of myself for their betterment. Alas, life is not so simple. I find myself still self-interested and using family budget money for my own pursuits. But where does selfishness begin and self-preservation leave off? Is this not a complex question? Indeed. Let me tell you about my kids.

Rory is 11 now. He is independent, full of leadership, and a genuinely good person; rare in an 11-year-old. He is wise beyond his years, extraordinarily mature and generous to a fault. He is interested in longboard skateboards, web-surfing, and (much to my chagrin) girls of late. He is a natural leader, and a very sensitive soul when it comes to caring for his younger brothers. He is my first son, my adopted son, and I couldn't be more proud. Here's hoping current trends hold.

Blair is 7 right now, and one of the gentlest souls the world has ever known. He is interested in movies, family, and the sunlight, of which he is a shining example. He is gentle, and sensitive, . . . and something more. There is something about him that captivates all; a serenity upon which I cannot put my finger. Nevertheless, it is there, and very powerful. He will steal your heart and like me you won't know why. He has an unidentifiable beauty which is more beautiful for its elusiveness.

Milo is a buoyant 5 years of age and has just begun kindergarten. He is a living and ever-replenishing source of energy. He is overwhelmingly inquisitive, highly independent and impossible to keep up with. Simply watching him will make you breathless. He can destroy a room in seconds and he can make more noise than a broken jackhammer. Milo can make four pounds of mess on a shirt from a meal that was only a half-pound to begin with. Milo can draw a perfect circle and understand complex emotions. Milo is heavily addicted to video games and very confident in expressing himself. Milo has a smile that will light up your heart with joy and make you remember the beauty of being a child. His energy will captivate you and draw you to him like a magnet.

If I am a good father for no other reason, then it must only be because I am smart enough to pay attention to the beauties that exist in these boys. Always remember to pay attention, lest you miss a smile or a tear. Every one is worth its weight in gold.

See you in heaven,



Anonymous said...

Your ability to put your heart onto paper leaves me with a lump in my throat. Your last paragraph needs to be printed and put on the fridge door (or somewhere else where it will be seen EVERY DAY) of every parent.
love you

Anonymous said...

Mom said...
Your comments about Milo are a perfect description of yourself when young.
I share sis's comments and feel proud that you have been able to share this with us.