It is the end of February 2009 and my fourth visit to the tri-colour country. Normally I wait until I return home to blog about my travels but the hilarity of the evening followed by the lonely boredom back at the college has made for some good writing motivation. My hosts here in Mexico are truly big-hearted people. So much so that in their ingenuous generosity I think they are often naive about how awkward certain multi-cultural social situations might be. Good for them! I hope they never stop being the beautiful people they are.
The first time I came here, I wasn't 1 hour off the plane when they scooped me out of the comforting hands of my agent, and whisked me off to a full-fledged, all-go, no-holds-barred, Mexican family birthday party at one of Oscar's siblings at which NO-ONE spoke a word of English. I remember thinking, "Are these people fucking crazy!? They hardly know me and they drop me into the middle of some crazy Mexican family fiesta? I am a college instructor for god's sake! I wasn't hired for this!!!" Of course, the humility and communication strategies it taught me have become of inestimable value, and it has become one of my fondest memories. Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to do it again!
Today when we got into their truck to head out for dinner, I noticed that we were not going to the same restaurant to which they aaaaaaaaalways go, so I was inquisitive. "Where are we going?" Wouldn't ya know it, unannounced once again we were off to Uncle ???'s place for the evening. He was a doctor but had once been in training to become a priest at which time he maintained three wives, none of whom knew about the other. Upon entering Uncle Doctor-Priest's house I was floored by the wall-sized mural in the living room of a very large-breasted naked woman being ravaged by a man. Keep in mind this man was still married and living with his wife, and obviously quite comfortable entertaining guests in his home. We sat down for an evening of board games at a table situated right next to this wall. It was surreal. It was like sitting with a bunch of people you hardly know with a wall of porn staring down at you. I was the only one who seemed to think it was awkward, but Oscar did eventually look at me with a coy grin and say, "Which picture did you notice first - ja ja ja!" Apparently painting giant boobs on your wall is acceptable household art in Mexico.
While driving back to the college/residence, I announced that I was quite hungry and asked if we could stop somewhere for food. Unfortunately it was quite late and Ojo de Agua is not exactly the most modern urban setting. There was not much open and we were forced to stop at a late night street-side vendor whose only fare was grilled 'hamburguesa'. The hut was an obviously temporary shanty comprised of not much more than a wood box, a table, and a tarp. The two 'chefs' looked more like a couple of gang members than line-cooks. I eyed the elderly grill suspiciously and it seemed evident that it had not been in any sort of working condition for some time. Nonetheless, the attendant slapped two thin beef patties onto the grill and promptly pulled out a blow-dryer (yes, I mean for your hair) and started "grilling" them. I looked at Oscar in astonsihment, but again, this was obviously perfectly normal to him and he didn't bat an eye. Later he and I had a good laugh about the whole blow-dryer scenario as we sat at his kitchen table and ate mostly raw hamburgers. They weren't bad, actually - kind of like gourmet steak tar-tar burgers - kind of. Next time the kids are hungry for burgers I think I will announce that they should get me some ground beef and the blow-dryer and meet me in the backyard. We're havin' Mexican BBQ tonight!
See you in hell,
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