Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How dare you bring me here to witness your death

How dare you bring me here to witness your death when all I have in my heart is the ability to celebrate your life.
You passed on so much wisdom but 100 years from now, nobody will give a shit. I can only hope that 100 years from now, nobody will give a shit as much about me.

B: "You’re not such a dragon."
D: "I never claimed to be."
B: "Then why is everybody scared of you?"
D: "Because I’m somebody. In fact, I’m somebody else, but I’m trapped here. I’m sorry you had to love me."
B: "I’m not"
(Do you remember this moment? It was on the driveway at 21 Meadowbank Drive late one evening, when you came to me (of all people) for relationship advice. You asked me why you kept getting hurt. Do you know who you are?)

You failed, Dad. I will never be as good a man as you were.

Before you condemn me, try being me. If you don't like me, you can walk away, but I am trapped here. Would you want to be me? Now, if you can, go ahead and hate me.

When I see you in hell, you won't shed a tear for me, but I'll shed one for you. That's the difference.

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