Blair, Milo and Cainan are going on a field trip to "Madame's" farm today (Blair believes that Madame is actually her first name) to see their horses. The buzz amongst them in the van this morning was all about horses. For the record, I'm terrified of horses but managed to ride one once when an old friend gave me enough courage to actually mount. (Do you know who you are?) and I think I sat on one with Barb once (she's 'big sis' for those in the dark). Anyways, Milo and Cainan were talking about the horse's 'feet' when Blair interrupted in a very precocious and teacher-like voice instructing them that horses don't have feet, they have "trit-trots" on the bottom of their legs which are hard and that's why they walk funny. Ami and I were going to correct him when I thought his word was far cooler and cuter than "hooves" and the linguistics of reality will crush his youthful spirit soon enough in life, so I'm just going to let it go. Much like me, Blair is terrified of nearly everything and he has a very gentle spirit so this interest in horses may be a breakthrough. For the record, he knows what G-A-P spells now. Alas!
See you in hell,
Ah yes the very first encounter, the first of many.... the good old days...when we were oh so young with many unchartered territories......glad to see one has not forgotten the ride from long ago. I still have that wonderful mare. I belive she will live forever.
I'm glad that you finally gained the courage to mount. Steady as she goes Christopher.
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